Void HighLord Class Ultimate Guide

Tips/Fastest Farming Void Highlord Class
Updated As of 6/13/2020

Void HighLord Class Ultimate Guide - Hello guys, because the requirement of the Roentgenium of Nulgath is not a chance anymore, i would like to give you the exact amount of requirements to create the epic Nulgath's class.

If you are a Nulgath's follower this class is a must have and considered to be one of the best class in the game, despite of that you need to put an effort to get the class because it would take a bit of journey, this class also deals a ton of damage with its skills that can turned into aggresive or defensive playstyle! it is up to you.
Void Highlord Armor

To Create this Class "must be level 50", you will need :

  1. Hadean Onyx of Nulgath (to unlock quest "Void Highlord's Quest")
  2. Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) (to unlock quest "Void Highlord's Quest")
  3. Roentgenium of Nulgath x15
  4. Void Crystal A x1
  5. Void Crystal B x1
1. To get Roentgenium of Nulgath x15 you will need :
  1. Gem of Nulgath x300
  2. Elemental Ink x150
  3. Black Knight Orb x15
  4. Bone Dust x300
  5. Aelita's Emerald x15
  6. Dwakel Decoder x15
  7. Nulgath Shaped Chocolate x15
  8. Unidentified 13 x15
  9. The Secret 1 x15
  10. Elder's Blood x15
  11. Tainted Gem x1500
  12. Nulgath's Approval x4500
  13. Essence of Nulgath x750
  14. Archfiend's Favor x4500
  15. Emblem of Nulgath x300
  16. Total of 30,135,000 gold
2. To get Void Crystal A x1 you will need :
  1. Unidentified 10 x200
  2. Gem of Nulgath x150
  3. Dark Crystal Shard x200
  4. Tainted Gem x200
3. To get Void Crystal B x1 you will need :
  1. Diamond of Nulgath x200
  2. Blood Gem of the Archfiend x30
  3. Totem of Nulgath x15
  4. Elder's Blood x2

So the total amount is :
  1. Hadean Onyx of Nulgath x1
  2. Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) x1
  3. Gem of Nulgath x450
  4. Elemental Ink x150 
  5. Black Knight Orb x15
  6. Bone Dust x300
  7. Aelita's Emerald x15
  8. Dwakel Decoder x15
  9. Nulgath Shaped Chocolate x15
  10. Unidentified 13 x15
  11. The Secret 1 x15
  12. Elder's Blood x17
  13. Tainted Gem x1700
  14. Nulgath's Approval x4500
  15. Essence of Nulgath x750
  16. Archfiend's Favor x4500
  17. Emblem of Nulgath x300
  18. Unidentified 10 x200
  19. Dark Crystal Shard x200
  20. Diamond of Nulgath x200
  21. Blood Gem of the Archfiend x30
  22. Totem of Nulgath x15
  23. Total of 30,135,000 gold

OK, from that point, we can see the annoying one is the Elder's Blood because it is only available for once per day, the Hadean Onyx of Nulgath you can get it easily by using "Thief of Hours" class or just do a party and kill Nulgath or Shadow of Nulgath (Monster) (Level 100) on /join tercessuinotlim . And the rest is just a matter of time, if you commitment enough doing the journey you able to get the class under 1~3 month.

Next is the fastest way to farm the Void Highlord Class:

    • Hadean Onyx of Nulgath x1, Farm this use "Thief of Hours Class" to kill it for 1 hit "there is a chance that Nulgath Attacks Dodged by you", and wait it until drop the Hadean Onyx of Nulgath. Note that the drop rate is not that great, or you can fight "Shadow of Nulgath" on Tercessuinotlim where Carnage stands, just fight the monster around him or using AOE skills, and shadow of nulgath will appear.
    • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) x1, Farm this using "The Assistant" Quest, and for the gold for "Blood Cloak" farm it on map "extinction", and do the "Challenge SN.O.W." Quest and Kill "SN.O.W Challenge" Monster. Use Equipment that increase your percentage gold gain per turn in quest, and use your gold booster to maximize it. If you have "Oblivion Blade of Nulgath (Rare)" you can do the other way, which is "The Dark Deal (Rare)" Quest that give you the "Escherion's Helm" to turn in on "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance", and if you have "Crag and Bamboozle" Pet you can do "Bamboozle vs Drudgen" Quest to get "Escherion's Helm" to turn in on "Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance". the required item is from monster called as "Tainted Elemental", and if you still have membership on AQW you can kill it on "nulgath" map, otherwise, kill it on "tercessuinotlim" map, but the respawn is random. Or get it from "Void Knight Sword" Quest. 
    • Gem of Nulgath x450, Farm this using "Voucher Item: Totem of Nulgath" Quest "The Quest said Totem of Nulgath but choose the Gem of Nulgath x10 reward :v" to finish the quest is by farming "Essence of Nulgath" on tercessuinotlim, if you have "Ceremonial Void Knight Sword" Pet and "Crag and Bamboozle" Pet, use the exceeding reagents for "Poisonous/Refreshing Deal" Quest to get Gem of Nulgath if u want.
    • Elemental Ink x150, to get this item you need to merge "Mystic Quills x2" "so total is Mystic Quills x300", then to get "Mystic Quills" faster is by doing "Help Professor Mueran" Quest from Mueran in "dragonrune" map, the required item quest from Mueran is on "graveyard" map from "Skeletal Warrior" and "Skeletal Viking"
    • Black Knight Orb x15, This item is from "Hardly Suiting Armor" Quest, from The Black Knight "that look's like ghost" on "greenguardwest" map, to complete this quest just killing the Bosses on "greenguardwest" map, which is "Gell Oh No" on "well" map, "Greenguard Dragon" on "greendragon" map, "Deathgazer" on "deathgazer" map, and "Greenguard Basilisk" on "trunk" map.
    • Bone Dust x300, To get this item fast is by farming it from killing Skeleton Warrior or Skeleton Fighter on "battleunderb" map.
    • Aelita's Emerald x15, To get this item you can just buy it from Free Player Shop in /join yulgar.
    • Dwakel Decoder x15, to get this item just click the Red Dot on this room:

    • Nulgath Shaped Chocolate x15, the requirement amount of gold is not cheap, so the gold for "Nulgath Shaped Chocolate" you need to farm it by reading this article: Best Gold Farming Point.
    • Unidentified 13 x15, to farm this item, it is not that different from farming "Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem), in addition if you have "Original Drakath Armor" do the "Ascended Drakath Gear" Quest from "Chaorrupted Time-Travel Fairy" on "battleon" map, the required item is "Holy Wasabi" from "Dread Strangler Fish" on "/join towerofdoom4" map, to maximize the farm go to Floor 37 that consist of 3 "Dread Strangler Fish" or if you have "Crag and Bamboozle" pet, then just do the "Diamond Exchange" Quest.
    • The Secret 1 x15, Kill "Hidden Spy" on "/join willowcreek" map
    • Elder's Blood x17, to get this do the daily quest on "/join arcangrove" map from "Experiment 107: Elder's Blood Potion" Quest."don't forget to do it daily".
    • Tainted Gem x1700, To get this, i think it is also not that different from farming "Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem), since the "Dreadrock Gem Exchange" have been changed, it makes harder to farm it, plus if you want do the Bone Dust or Cubes Quest to get it.
    • Nulgath's Approval x4500, To farm this killing the monster on "/join evilwarnul" map, and go to after the portal where there is "Legion Fenrir x2".
    • Essence of Nulgath x750, this reagent is fastest farmed on "tercessuinotlim" map by killing "Dark Makai".
    • Archfiend's Favor x4500, the same as farming "Nulgath's Approval".
    • Emblem of Nulgath x300, to farm this item, do the "Nation Recruits: Seal Your Fate" Quest, and join "/join shadowblast" map and kill the monster in there.
    • Unidentified 10 x200, not that different from farming "Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)".
    • Dark Crystal Shard x200, not that different from farming "Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)", just in addition with "Swindle's Return Policy" Quest, to make use of the unused items, if you still have space on your inventory.
    • Diamond of Nulgath x200, the best way to farm this is by doing "Only The Strong Survive Today" Quest, or if you are a member do the "Crush The Weak" Quest on "/join evilwarnul" map. "you need Unidentified 13 to access the quest and completed DragonSlayer Reward on map lair".
    • Blood Gem of the Archfiend x30, To farm this you need the BuyBack Glitch in order to use "Tendurrr The Assistant" pet over and over in "Kiss the Void" Quest. If you are have membership you can do "The Perfect Pet" Quest, because it is easier,  Or if you have the "Ceremonial Void Knight Sword" Pet just farm it from there.
    • Totem of Nulgath x15, to farm this reagents is not that different from farming "Gem of Nulgath".
    • Total of 30,135,000 gold, to farm this amount of gold is used to buy the "Nulgath Shaped Chocolate"

    Then, the order to farm the reagents to reduce inventory consume is :
    "Farm the reagents in order of the number and store it to the bank (AC TAGGED ITEM) if the required reagents is enough"
    1. Elder's Blood x17 (farm this daily and stack up to 5
    2. Nulgath Shaped Chocolate x15 (farm this if you have enough gold)
    3. Tainted Gem x1700 (farm this first because overall you will get the rest of the reagents
    4. Dark Crystal Shard x200
    5. Diamond of Nulgath x200
    6. Essence of Nulgath x4350 (Essence of Nulgath: 750, Gem of Nulgath: 2700 Essences, Totem of Nulgath: 900 Essences)
    7. Unidentified 13 x15 (this one is the rarest reagents than the others, so farm this after you already get the other reagents)
    8. Unidentified 10 x200 (you will eventually get this after farming other reagents
    9. Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) x1 (you will eventually get this after farming other reagents
    10. Emblem of Nulgath x300 (farm this anytime you want and store it to bank to reduce inventory consuming)
    11. Blood Gem of the Archfiend x30 (farm this anytime you want and store it to bank to reduce inventory consuming)
    12. Bone Dust x300 (farm this anytime you want and store it to bank to reduce inventory consuming)
    13. Nulgath's Approval x4500 (farm this later on to reduce inventory consuming, but if you have more inventory space just stack it if it was dropped when you do the other nulgath reagents quest)
    14. Archfiend's Favor x4500 (farm this later on to reduce inventory consuming, but if you have more inventory space just stack it if it was dropped when you do the other nulgath reagents quest)
    15. Elemental Ink x150 (farm this later on and if you don't want to turn in the quest first)
    16. The Secret 1 x15 (farm this later on if you don't want to turn in the quest first)
    17. Black Knight Orb x15 (farm this later on and stack it if you don't want to turn in the quest first)
    18. Dwakel Decoder x15 (farm this later on if you don't want to turn in the quest first)
    19. Hadean Onyx of Nulgath x1 (farm this later on if you don't want to turn in the quest first)
    20. Aelita's Emerald x15 (get this latest if you want to turn in the quest)

    Good Luck, Cheers!

    Tags: How to get Void HighLord, how to get void highlord, howtogetvoidhighlord, Void Highlord, voidhighlord, aqw void highlord


    Click here for comments
    May 1, 2017 at 2:49 AM ×

    what do you mean by boosted room and infinity item stacking?

    May 2, 2017 at 1:42 AM ×

    how do you even use the boosted room in tercessuinotlim if you can access by typing with private room (e.g /join tercessuinotlim--9999, you can't do that)

    May 4, 2017 at 3:00 AM ×

    you can do that. first step is you must stand in a room with the red door portal in citadel. and type your tercessuinotlim private room...

    May 20, 2017 at 10:15 PM ×

    one more question can you actually stack the chocolate? since you have to buy it and when it's in the bank and you buy it again, it said it already existed in your bank

    May 30, 2017 at 4:47 AM ×

    Hello Mr/Mrs. Long, regarding to the chocolate, i am terribly sorry for my mistake. Unfortunately i did some mistake on my research. Actually you cannot stack the chocolate. so you better turn the "Void Highlord Quest's", as long as you have a chocolate and have the other requirements, and then stack it if you want. Thank you for visiting my website.

    May 30, 2017 at 4:51 AM ×

    Hello, you can read this article to better understand of your question: http://aqwtt.blogspot.com/2017/01/worked-aqw-glitch_29.html

    Thanks in advance for visit my website.

    June 26, 2017 at 9:11 PM ×

    Is this class worth it to get?

    July 24, 2017 at 12:41 AM ×

    this is the strongest class!

    July 26, 2017 at 1:13 AM ×

    The actual amount of elemental ink is 150 not 15. A simple typo but other than that very helpful guide. Thank you for it!

    August 11, 2017 at 11:02 AM ×

    i cant get the secret 1 item

    August 16, 2017 at 7:54 AM ×

    u need to accept the quest that require secret 1 and then stack it in ur bank

    October 24, 2017 at 12:00 AM ×

    Thank you for you feedback and,

    Thank you for visiting my website

    November 13, 2017 at 8:00 AM ×

    Can Merge Shop Glitch used in Void Crystals?

    November 13, 2017 at 8:31 AM ×

    Yeah it does.. just do it if you want to keep the Void Crystals as investment, maybe it can be valuable for future nulgath items requirements.

    Thank you for your visit.

    November 13, 2017 at 5:57 PM ×

    Oh nice good to hear, Is it still working, the glitch, I can't seem to make it work, I tested on the Swag Tokens but no luck.

    November 13, 2017 at 7:23 PM ×

    Yea, it's still working, and tested perfectly, to do it you can see the steps by reading this article: http://aqwtt.blogspot.co.id/2017/01/worked-aqw-glitch_29.html

    January 9, 2018 at 12:11 AM ×

    this list needs updated, it's info is outdated

    March 31, 2018 at 6:11 PM ×

    Sir I have a question. What are the temporary items? For me to know what items am I gonna stack at the moment

    June 27, 2018 at 10:07 AM ×

    Temporary Items are the items that is only available as long as you do not logout from the game or the temporary items is required for certain quest to be turned in. So if you logout from the game and go back to the game, the temporary item that you have will lost.

    For temporary items that is worth stacking is the Tainted Soul that can be stacked for x13. you can use it for Dark Deal quest for Escheron Helm, but unfortunately you need some kind of pet to access the quest if im not mistaken.

    December 29, 2019 at 1:34 AM ×

    i think the hardest part is tainted gem 1700 *25 bonr dust 42500 bone dust

    April 8, 2020 at 10:57 AM ×

    lol i got the hadean onyx on the first drop

    August 13, 2021 at 5:40 AM ×

    you can get tainted gems faster at bulk regeants

    August 13, 2021 at 5:41 AM ×

    approximately you can get the required gold when farming the regeants


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