AQW Black Friday 2017

AQW Black Friday 2017!

Hello guys, the Black Friday Shop is coming back again with some awesome stuff along side with the blackfridaywar map! On this opportunity, i would like to let you know how to open blackfridaywar Twilly Shop.

To open Twilly blackfridaywar shop, you need to complete all the following quest on the map from:
  1. EbilCorp KeyChip, Kill any monster around the town except the boss (more drop rate on humans)
  2. Elite EbilCorp KeyChip, Kill any monster around the town except the boss (more drop rate on the robots)
  3. Ebil eWatches, Kill Hypnotized Shopper
  4. Ebil ePhones, Kill Hypnotized Shopper
  5. He's Fired!, Kill Executive Assistant Vordred (you can get Obsidian Reavers from this quest!, it's another version of Zealith Reavers, so you don't need become a Legion to get Reavers :) )
  6. Mr Z!, Kill the boss ! BOGOdrone Prime (this boss have all AC TAGGED ITEM drop items!, even free pets).
After you complete "Mr Z!" Quest, you can proceed to open Twilly blackfridaywar shop!, and all the items on the shop are ALL AC TAGGED ITEMS!, and its free!.

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